

Early Hindmarsh Wills

1545 - The Will of John Hymers of Holy Island.

"In the nayme of gode; Amen: the tweyntye Day of Julij the yere of God A thousand fyve hundfowrty and fyve yeres and the xxxvij the yere of the Reigne of our Soueraigne lordeKynge Henrye the eighte be the graice of gode Kynge of England fraunce and Irelande Defensor of the faythe and in Earthe suprem. heade of this Churche of Englande & Irelande I John Hymers of Holy Iland in goode and p'tytt remembrance make the my testament and lastWyll in this manor folloy'g ggyrst I gyve & bequethe my soull to Almyghtye our blessede lady saynet Mary and all the holy saynetes in hewn my Corps to be burrede in the churche garthe of Holy Ilaund wythe the mortuaries dewe to the saide Church accordynge to the Kynges Maiesties actes statutes and Iniuctionns Also I gyve and bequethes to prestes and clerkes to pray for my soull and the soulle on my Vyffe and vaxe to turne on my funerall xiiijs iiijd I gyve to Syr John Jonson to pray for the soules of my father and mother and all my benefactowrs vjs viijd Item I gyve my lande in Haneldayll to John Hymers my brother son & his hayres maylle & c Item I gyve to Agnes Neylson for kepying of me V3 a Jackett and a sylver qwystelle or vvjd the Resydewe of all my goods moveable and unmoveable I gyve too my son Jarat Nycholson wwhom I make my executowlre to dyspone and ardane all thynger for the healthe of my soulle and my Wifes soull as he schalle thynke most best & expediente for the healthe of my soulle thers Wytnesses Richarde Ylderton George Dyners Syr John Jonson wythers Dyvers other."

1558 - The Will of Robert Hyndmer, Parson of Sedgefielde.

"In name of God Amen, The sexte daye of August The yeare of our lorde god A Thousand fyve hundreth fiftie and eight I Robert Hyndmer p'son of Sedgefeilde doith maike & ordaine my last will in maner & forme following. ffirst I bequithe my sowle to almightie god or blessed ladie sanet marie and all the sainets in heaven and my bodie to be buried in the north syde of the highe alter of Sedgefeilde Churche. I geue & bequithe to my most singular llorde & Mr my best graye amblinge gelding A ringe of golde wth a darke Rubye inyt my best coveringe of a bedd wch is yallowe & blewe sorcenet, and the bed socks I lye in, I maike my executors my faithfull frend Raufe dalton, Sir Reginald hindmer Sir Michell Myers and Jojhn hindmer, I geue to the said Raufe dalton my amblings grisseld geldinge & a gold ringe wth a reade seale of anlmaige, I geue to Sr Michaell Myers a gowne clothe wch from London my best Clocke, and my best capp, I geue to Sr Edmonde stapleton my black gowne furred with fu'nyes and one other of my best cappes - I geue to Sr John Richerdson my single blacke gowne wch I ware eu'y daye, The rest of all my gownes I geue to my brother p'son John hindmer Also I geue to the said my Sattan Cote. I wyll also that for the trew and faithfull s'vice that I have alwaise founde in Sr Michell Myers that he shall have one annuytie of six pounds thirtene shillings & fourpence by yere duringe his naturall life to be taken fourthe of my lands of Aysiable I praye mr Johnston of London to recyve againe his gowne clothe that he sente me because yt is not maid it'm etc etc...."

1566 - "20th Aug: The will of Wm Hindmarch of Whin House,Gateshead, dated as above, directs that his body be buried in Gateshead churchyard, gives 3s 4d to the poor man's box, and declares that testator is not indebted to any man , and that he forgives all debts owing to him. Testator wills that Agnes his wife, "in consideration that she wants discretion , whereby she is not able neither to find herself nor her portion of thirds , shall have her finding in meat, drink and apparel convenient to her own taking in this house during her life natural and all my children to be delege't and obedient to her as becometh them." To his daughter Barbary wife of Thomas Maxwell he gives his house and lands in Gateshead; to his daughter Margarert, wife of Thomas Huntley, his dwelling house lands and tenements called "Whin House"; to his daughter Agnes - 30L."

1570 - "7th Oct: Will of Joh Hindmarch, of the parish of All Saints, Newcastle, shipwright, "visited by God's visitation To be buried in his parish lchurch beside his friends. To his son Bartram, the family dwelling house after testors wife's death, with all the rest of the houses which came by testators mother; to his son Thomas, a tenement that belonged to Agnes Store; to his daughter Margaret, a house that he purchased, where John Crags dwelleth." Witnesses: James Buckye, george gray, clerk and James Awd."

1574 - Probate 21st July 1575.
Notes from the Will of Reginald Hyndmes - Parson of Wensley Wills of Richmondshire - Surtees Society Vol 26, p249.

Reginald Hindmers was a younger son of a Durham family which is at the present represented by Robert Allan esq of Blackwell Hall, one of the first and most zealous members of the Surtees Society. He began life as vicar of Billingham, in the bishoprick of Durham, which he resigned in 1544 for the lucrative rectory of Wensley, in the North Riding, which was given to him by Lord Scrope. He died at Wensley in 1575, having been rector there for 32 years. He probably held other preferment, for on the 20th December 1548, there is a general acquittance from John Lord Scrope of Bolton to "Sir Raynold Hyndmer, preyst, parson of Hameldon". On the death of his brother Robert Hindmers, rector of Sedgefield, in 1558, he became possessor of the manor of Aislaby, which had been purchased by his brother in the preceding year, and which at his death descended to his nephew and heir John Hindmers. The will and inventory of the rector of Sedgefield have been already printed by the Surtees Society.

William Spenceley was the husband of Florence Hindmers, one of the four nieces of the testor.

Henry the son of Lionel Fetherstonhalgh, the third son of Alexander Fetherstonhalgh of Stanhope Hall esq married Helen or Alice daughter of.....Hindmers, a niece of the testor.

Lionel Fetherstonhalgh, his eldest son settled at Brancepath, and was buried there on 16th March 1625. He died unmarried, and his will is dated on the 11th March in the same year.

Lancelot, his second son, was buried at Brancepath on the 19th March, 1634-5; he lived there and died unmarried. William his third son, also lived at Brancepath, and was buried there on 4th June, 1660. He married and left numerous descendants.

Michael Pemberton was the son of Richard Pemberton by Ann - daughter and coheir(?) of John Hindmers - and was probably a cousin or perhaps a brother-in-law of the testator. In 1595 he purchased the manor of Aislaby from the co-heirs of John Hindmers, and lived there until his death. His will is dated at Aislaby on 6th September 1624. In it, strange to say, he calls the three sons of Henry Fetherstonhalgh his brothers. The other members of the family of Pemberton, whom the testator mentions in his will, are all to be found in the family pedigree. Surtees iii p208.

Agnes Hindmers, a niece of the testator, married Christopher Maire, and her descendants rose to considerable importance. Ellen Hindmers, her sister, married Richard Todd.

John Hindmers, the nephew of the testator, was educated at Cambridge where his expenses were paid by his uncle.

On the death of his uncle Reginald in 1575, Robert Hindmers, rector of Sedgefield succeeded to the family estate of Aislaby. He held the estate until his death in 1589 when it passed into the possession of his four sisters.

1576 - 4th Dec: Will of Edmund Shadforth - All Saints, Newcastle - "To my nevye, Robert Hynmers, sonne to Matthewe Hynmers...To Mathewe Hynmers a whysle of sylver, and to his sonne one ould angell (a gold coin)." Surtees Society Vol 112 p78.

1586 - Stockdale's Survey of 1586, Parish Ovingham, Northumberland. The tenants at will were William son of Richard Hindmarsh.

1593 - 3rd Aug. Robert Harbottle of Bemishe. ..."to Jane, wife of Richard Hindmers, 20s". Wills of Durham Part III Vol 122 Surtees Society p159.

1596 - 14th Oct. " Dame Morland and to hir daughter Thomazin Hindmas to ether of them 5s." Wills of Durham Part III, Surtees Society - Thomasin Heath of Acklife. p162 Vol 112.

1608 - 26th Feb. Will of Thomas Otwaie of Tynemouth: " my sister Elisabeth Hyndmers of Tynemouth". John Hyndmers witnessed will. Vol IV - CXXXXII. Surtees Society.

1737 - Durham Registry - Will of Mary Hindmass - no details.

1803-1887 - John Hymers, Mathematician, was born 20 Jul 1803 at Ormesby in Cleveland, Yorkshire. His father was a farmer and his mother was the daughter of John Parrington, rector of Skelton, in Cleveland. Elected Fellow of St John's College, Cambridge 1827 and Doctor Divinity 1841. Elected Fellow of the Royal Society 31 May 1838. By his will of 24 Aug 1885, Hymers bequeathed all his property to the mayor and corporation of Hull as a foundation for a grammar school. An obscurity in the wording of the will rendered the bequest invalid but the heir-at-law spontaneously offered the corporation a sum of ?,000 to fulfil Hymer's purpose. A branch of this family were Whalers and resided at Kingston-upon-Hull:

1. John Hymers born 1823. Occupation - Joiner/Carpenter. Married 1 Mar 1846. Died 8 Aug 1879 (age 56). Wife (Mary Ann Paul) died 11 Aug 1891 (age 64). Issue:
2. George Paul Hymers. Born 9Oct 1853 - seagoing engineer. Married 17 Apr 1872. Died 28 Oct 1923 (age 80). Wife Anne Isabelle Strong. Born 18 Jul 1855, died 13 Feb 1928 (age 72). Issue:
3. James Edward Hymers born 1 Dec 1890 and Cecil Hymers born 9 Mar 1897 of South Shields.
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